2.1.3. Enrolling in a Course#

To enroll in a course, follow the instructions:

Step 1:

Log into your account with the user email and password.

Step 2:

Click the Courses tab at the menu bar to access the course catalog.

Another option to look for a particular course is using the search bar on the home page.

Course button and dashboard image example.

Step 3:

You will find all the contents in the course catalog. You can use the search bar in the course catalog or the list of categories to find the course you want more easily.

If you are interested in one of the courses, click on it to learn more on the About this Course page, where you will find a summary of the learning objectives, course contents, dates, and instructor information.

Step 4:

To enroll in the course, click the Enroll Now button at the top of the About this Course page.

Image of the About this course page and the enroll button.

See also

If you have questions about this process or what to learn more about, please visit this section of the Open edX official Documentation.