3.1. Foreword about the GTC Platform#

The GTC platform comprises four main independent components, all open-source and all built on state-of-the-art technology components for modern web-based services. These main components are:

  • Django CMS, which powers the Richie content management system.

  • The Open edX LMS and course authoring platform.

  • A custom Open edX plugin that was built for the course validation workflow

  • ClickHouse and superset, which power the Aspects data Analytics solution.

From the technical perspective, this documentation set and the specific technical documentation of each underlying technology will provide all the required information and guidance to install, configure, deploy, and maintain this platform.

The primary sources of information for each of the technological components are listed below:

About the Richie CMS
About the Open edX platform
About the bespoke Open edX plugin for the course validation workflow
About the Aspects data Analytics solution